To make sure you obtain all the benefits of the healthy fatty acids and soluble vitamins and minerals found in fish, you need absolutely fresh raw materials, processed gently and kept natural.
Ecolomega® is a fresh and all natural fish oil, gently extracted from hourly fresh fish in a natural process without the use of solvents, chemicals and additives.
Short - and long chained polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA’s), such as a number of the omega fatty acids found in fish, are so called essential fatty acids, which must be ingested, because the human body can not produce them, and they are needed for human health.
If you do not eat fish 2-3 times per week, a daily intake of Ecolomega® fish oil is a good supplement to your diet, assuring you get the benefit from all the healthy fatty acids naturally found in fish.
Danforel A/S
Slagterivej 2 . DK-7200 Grindsted